ARGUS To Enter Studio In The Fall

August 7, 2010

ARGUS, the Pennsylvania-based metal band featuring former PENANCE vocalist Brian "Butch" Balich, has set "Boldly Stride The Doomed", as the title of its second album, tentatively due in early 2011. The CD will be recorded in the fall with Dave Watson at Soundscape studios. Songtitles set to appear on the effort include "A Curse On The World", "The Ladder", "42-7-29" and "Durendal". The artwork for the album will once again be created by Brad Moore.

ARGUS will debut some of its new amaterial when it performs on August 28 at Krug's in Frederick, Maryland with LAS CRUCES and REVELATION.

ARGUS's self-titled debut CD came out in May 2009 through Shadow Kingdom Records.


Butch Balich - Vocals
Jason Mucio - Guitar
Erik Johnson - Guitar
Andy Ramage - Bass
Kevin Latchaw - Drums

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